We are excited to announce our new Adopt-a-Trail partnership with ROAM Projects, a company that promotes and facilitates trail running across the U.S. and abroad.
“We focus on promoting trail running in beautiful places and helping people get there, whether it’s taking a weekend trip or exploring a regional trail system,” said Greg Wingo, owner.
Wingo is active in the local trail running community and looks forward to working on his adopted portion of Kiwanis Vulcan Trail.
“My love of trails runs deep and I really wanted to find a way to give back. After running this portion of trail one morning, I decided adopting it was a great way to support something that is so valuable to our city.”
Roam Projects has adopted a one-mile section of Vulcan Trail, beginning at the Green Springs (western) entrance. On their first workday, Greg focused on clearing the path for runners.
“I plan to come every few weeks, blowing nuts and leafs off of the gravel path, pulling privet, and keeping the greenery trimmed.”
Thank you, Greg and ROAM Projects!
Learn more about our Adopt-a-Trail program.